Listen to Your Tatas: 12 Changes to your breasts to look out for.
You know by now that knowing your normal is the key message of Boobology by NOOD. Your breasts can send important messages, and it's crucial to pay attention. Breast cancer is scary to think about, but being aware of the signs is empowering.Inspired by the awesome humans at Know Your Lemons, let's explore 12 symptoms your breasts might be sharing with you.

Symptom 1: Hard Lump
Feeling a hard lump in your breast is a signal your body is giving you. Its the most common sign something isn’t right and feels a bit like a hard pip deep in the breast.If you notice a hard lump that doesn’t come and go with your menstrual cycle, don’t ignore it.
Symptom 2: Thick Area
If you notice a thickened area in your breast tissue, keep an eye on it. Not to be confused with breast density, a thick area of skin that seems to be getting worse is worth checking out.
Symptom 3: Dimple
Dimples are cute, but not on your breast. If you see a dimple or pucker on your skin, especially when you raise your arms, it's time for a medical consultation.
Symptom 4: Nipple Crust
Crust on the nipple can be a harmless skin condition, like eczema, or is a common problem with breastfeeding. But if skin remedies don't fix the problem, it could be a sign of breast cancer called “Paget’s disease.” This is when cancer cells spread inside the breast and live in the nipple, creating a scab-like red or white crusted surface that can be sore and doesn’t go away.
Symptom 5: Red or Hot
A breast that's red, inflamed, or unusually warm might be signaling a concern. Don't ignore this sign; have it checked out.Typically, this is an infection or a skin symptom common to developing breasts, breastfeeding or eczema. If time, antibiotics or other treatments don’t improve the symptom, it could be a sign of Inflammatory Breast Cancer.
Symptom 6: New Fluid
If you experience discharge that doesn’t seem right. It is usually related to developing breasts, infection, cysts, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. However, if fluid is leaking from the breast outside of these changes, it is something that should be checked out, especially if it is clear or contains blood.
Symptom 7: Skin Sores
Skin sores that don't heal can be a cause for concern. This is usually accompanied by an obvious hard lump. This is an advanced sign of the disease, meaning it has been present for some time.
Symptom 8: Bump
Not all bumps are harmless. If you find a new, unusual bump in your breast, let your healthcare provider know for a proper evaluation.
Symptom 9: Growing Vein
An expanding or swelling vein on your breast may indicate something is amiss.If this change is outside of lifestyle changes like breastfeeding or weight gain, it's best to discuss this with your doctor to rule out any issues.
Symptom 10: Sunken Nipple
If your nipple starts to appear sunken or inverted and that is not normal for you, check it out. If you notice your nipple sinking, flattening, or turning, it could be a sign of a new breast cancer tumor forming underneath, pulling the nipple toward it as it grows.
Symptom 11: New Shape or Size
Breasts come in all shapes and sizes, but if you notice a sudden change in yours, it's time to schedule a checkup.It’s common for one breast to be different in size and shape from the other. This kind of variety is what our bodies are known for. But if one breast changes size, flattens, swells, or droops unexpectedly—and doesn't seem to be connected to your menstruation cycle—this could be a sign of breast cancer.
Symptom 12: "Orange Peel" Skin
When your breast skin takes on a dimpled, "orange peel" texture, this is a signal that shouldn't be ignored. Reach out to a medical expert for guidance.
Remember, these symptoms don't automatically mean breast cancer, but they are your body's way of telling you to take action. Early detection is a lifesaver, and your breasts will appreciate your vigilance .Know Your Lemons is a great resource for more information with a handy app that helps you know your tatas a whole lot better!
Stay informed, stay healthy, and most importantly, check your tatas! 💪💕
Words by Leigh Harding, CMO at NOOD New York