Enhance Your Ta-Ta’s: How to Appear Larger Without Surgery
Sometimes we just want to give the illusion we are a little more enhanced than nature intended. And you know what? That's perfectly fine! If you wish to give your bust more definition to flatter your eveningwear or fit into that brand-new lingerie you got recently, then you have come to the right spot. Keep reading to discover the several methods you can use to enhance the appearance of your ta-ta’s.
Revamp Your Style With Stripes or Letters
The clothing you put on has a direct influence on how your chest appears. To make small busts look more attractive, wearing clothing that fits snugly can help. This type of apparel provides emphasis to your chest, allowing your chest to become more visible in your outfit.
One way to garner attention for your chest area is to wear shirts with logos or graphics over the chest region. Your bust will be the center of attention, making you look a little more prominent. To further enhance the effect, wear a push-up bra beneath the shirt.
It is usually discouraged to don horizontally-patterned clothing since it could make one's figure look bigger. However, it can actually help to create the illusion of fuller breasts. Wearing stripes that go across (not down) gives the chest area an impression of being larger and broader, making the breasts appear more voluminous.
Make Sure You’re Actually Wearing the Correct Bra Size
This tip not only ensures that you look your most flattering self, it’s also essential for the best support and keeps you comfortable. Enhancing the look of a smaller chest can be achieved by understanding the techniques of wearing a well-fitting bra. In 2008, a study discovered that the majority of women were actually wearing the incorrect size. The only way to ensure optimal support and maintain the shape of the breasts is by wearing a well-fitted bra.
Make sure you consult an expert annually to determine your correct size. It’s also recommended to find out the shape of your breast from a professional as the type of bra you should buy depends on the shape - round, saggy, or asymmetrical.
Pro Tips:
- Balconette bras are a great option if you want lift without the constricting sensation of a push-up bra. This type of bra can give you the same lifted look without the squished look, resulting in enhanced cleavage and a fuller look.
- Wearing bras with front-close clasps can enhance cleavage. A molded cup design with a front-close fastener will bring the breasts closer together, leading to more cleavage and providing support.
- Make sure to purchase bras that have wide straps, full-cup coverage, an underwire, and a broader backband if you require additional support for larger breasts.
Try Doubling Up
Opting for a Double Bra - to increase the size of your chest area, there is a great technique of wearing two bras instead of one. This can be very effective in making your breasts appear larger and can easily double the cup size. To make the most of this trick, you need to buy a padded bra that is smaller than you usually wear, yet still comfortable. Put this one on first and then add a bra that is one size larger than your breasts.
Invest in Sticky Bras
When worn correctly, this kind of bra has the capacity to press the breasts closer to the chest. If you'd like to add a bit more volume to your bust, we recommend Noods game changer lift & shape bra. This sticky bra can add some massive height to your bust, giving the illusion of larger breasts. It comes with 4 pairs and not only provides a lift, but it also provides support so you stay comfortable.
The great news is that even if you were not born with a D-cup size, you don't need to go through surgery or take hormone-based medications to increase the size of your chest. There are numerous ways to make your bust appear bigger without surgery. Now flatter those ta-ta’s!